About Us

Mission Statement:

Committed to reach a generation and connect them with cutting EDGE Positive Alternative, Pop, Hip Hop Music and programing that is relevant, real and radically focused on a life committed to Jesus Christ.


Our Purpose:

LF Radio exists to present Jesus over the air waves to the listening audience, through finding common ground with them… We want to connect believers, and non-believers, alike to Jesus and encourage a generation of students and young adults to become complete and courageous followers of Christ.


Our History:

LightForce was founded in August of 1986 by Michelle Tellone as a 5-hour rock show Saturday nights on "The JOY FM" network thoughout Florida, and the heart and mission of the show was "To reach a generation and connect them to Christian Rock Music, relevant programing that was real and radically focused."

In the early 2000's LightForceRadio.com was lanunched, as an internet based station, which would broadcast 24/7 the same vision of the show, and the mobile phone apps were added in 2009. In 2012 the Saturday night program was discontinued, but the inernet station went on.

As of 2018 LightForce was rebranded as we know it today, LF Radio and changing up the format to include rock, pop, EDM and Hip Hop. LF Radio still with focus on the youth/young adult generation and programing that is relevant, real and radically focused. LF Radio continues today with this same heart & mission that it started with 30+ years ago; To reach a generation though Positive Hits & Hip Hop.


God cares about what we listen to, and what we spend our time with!

So much of today's music is destructive; we are Your Source for Today's Positive Hits & Hip Hop.


LF Radio is one of the family of stations incorporated under Radio Training Network (RTN), and is operated for the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our listening area and beyond.

RTN Mission Statement:
To extend the reach of Christian Community, by affirming that which is positive in our culture, and penetrating our world as salt and light with the life transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ. Read our statement of faith here.

RTN Family Stations:
88.3 The Wind FM - Springfield, MO | 89.1 KWFC - Springfield, MO
HIS Radio - SC, NC, GA | 88.3 WAFJ - Augusta, GA

Radio Training Network (dba LF Radio) is recognized as tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) U.S. Internal Revenue Code.